Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts Emulation
For those who may still not know it, there are programs on the internet (for various operating systems) that allow for the playing of the original version of Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts. This process of "translating" computer instructions is called "emulation". Currently, there are emulator programs for various systems (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Atari, Coleco, Gameboy, Genesis, and even Arcade machines).
Thanks to the miraculous work of SNES9x, ZSNES and other Super Nintendo emulator programs, Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts has been added to that long list of classic games currently under emulation. This website largely focuses on the SNES version of Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts The only version of this game that I know of is to the Super Nintendo. Strangely enough, Capcom opted not to make an arcade version and go directly to the home console market with their third GNG installment. Could it be that SNES sales were slowing down due to the lack of a competitive product to the Sega Genesis' successful Ghouls 'n' Ghosts port? If anyone knows of other versions, please do not hesitate to email me so that I may include the other system on this page.
I am only offering information here on this website toward finding the tools for emulating the SNES Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts. If you are interested in one of the other versions (for other systems), please visit Yahoo, Google, Altavista, or any other search engine and search for " Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts emulation". This might yield information and files for the emulation of other Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts ports (if any exist).
*A note on emulation
The emulator programs and the process of emulation are not illegal. However, the ROM files (the files containing the original game code) are still the property of Capcom, until that company decides to release their content to the public domain. The law governing ROMS is much like the law governing audio CDs. You can make copies of the CD into CDRs if you own the original CD. Likewise, you may make computer "dumps" (or copies) of the original game chips if you own the Ghouls 'n' Ghosts Arcade PCB (hardware mainboard).
That said, you may find a "" file in various ROM-storing database websites on the internet. It is technically illegal to download this file onto your computer if you don't own the SG'n'G SNES cartridge, but many people do it all the time.
To protect myself from legal action, I cannot offer the SG'n'G roms on this site. However, I can point to sites who do have them. Don't worry...they're easy to find.
SG'nG Arithmetic, Lesson 1...
or even
Files needed for G'n'G Emulation
1. You need an emulator program. The two main programs that emulate the Super Nintendo Entertainment System are SNES9x and ZSNES, both for Windows and DOS-based computers. I recommend ZSNES because it is updated regularly, it is faster and has more features than the last version of SNES9x. I have never had problems with ZSNES. You can go to the public search engines of the internet (Yahoo, Google, Altavista, etc) and search for "ZSNES or SNES9x). You will get results leading to the main page of these 2 programs. If you own a Mac or an alternative system, do research through search engines regarding SNES emulator programs for these systems.
2. You need the SG'n'G SNES Rom (game code). I'd suggest using the common search engines of the internet (Yahoo, Altavista, Google, etc) to find the SG'n'G SNES Rom. It's a fairly common game for SNES and is hosted on many SNES rom sites of the Internet.
3. Since I own an AMD 1.33ghz PC computer, I can only offer technical information on PCs. I would recommend a 300Mhz computer to run ZSNES and Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts properly. Other systems may need more or less computer power. If for some reason ZSNES doesn't work with your computer as you would like it to (I don't know why, but...) try other emulator programs (listed above on instruction 1) if you are having problems.
4. Read the ZSNES technical documents (or the technical documents of your preferred emulator program), configure the program to your liking, and THAT'S IT. ENJOY SUPER GHOULS 'N' GHOSTS AGAIN!
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